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is it waterproof
The search coil and shaft are completely waterproof for both salt and fresh water. The control box is splash resistant but cannot be submerged in water.
The go-find 44 is a an excellent entry level detector.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Detectors Direct Team -
Hello, are any of the beginner detectors waterproof at all? For looking about creeks etc? The mine lab go 44 in particular.
Hi Brent,
Thanks for your question. So all of our detectors have a waterproof search coil and shaft, including the Minelab Go-find 44, so you certainly wade thru water without issue.
You just can't submerge the control box as they are not completely waterproof.
We do have a range of fully waterproof detectors that can be seen here:
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Detectors Direct Team